Abstracts and References
Published: 15 June 2015
Damage caused by natural disasters in Slovenia between the years 1991 and 2008
Matija Zorn, Mauro Hrvatin
This paper presents an analysis of data on damage caused by natural disasters in Slovenia. The data were systematically collected by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia from 1991 to 2008 for fourteen categories of disasters: earthquakes, floods, fires, drought, windstorms, hail, frost, glaze, landslides and avalanches, epidemics, epizootics, damage caused by various pests and diseases, ecological disasters, and other natural disasters. Data by statistical regions (NUTS 3) are available for 1992 to 2008, and data by municipalities (LAU 2) and administrative units (LAU 1) are available for 1992 to 2005. Analysis of the data shows that from 1991 to 2008 direct damage caused by natural disasters amounted to an average of 0.48% of annual GDP, or an average of €45 per capita a year.
Keywords: natural disasters, damage, Slovenia;
Acta Geobalcanica | Volume 1 | Issues 1 | Pp: 33-43;
Available Online First: 15 June 2015
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