Abstracts and References
GIS methods for assessment of hydrogeomorphic risk and anthropogenic impact which affect the archaeological sites. Case study: Dealul Mare archaeological site, Moldavian Plateau (Romania)
Alin Mihu-Pintilie, Andrei Asăndulesei, Cristian Constantin Stoleriu, Gheorghe Romanescu
On the territory of Moldova Plateau (Eastern Romania), the degradation of prehistoric archaeological sites is a major issue concerning their conservation. The intensification of soil erosion, actual geomorphological processes and human impact (agriculture, over-grazing, exploitation) are the main causes leading to their destruction. For this reason, different approaches and methods, from scientifical works, were used to assess the intensity of erosion in this region of the country, but most of them have focused only on soil degradation. This study proposes a GIS method, to evaluate not only hydro-geomorphological hazards but also human impact that affecting archaeological sites, which use multiple thematic layers quantified in a single evaluating system (Likerd-type scale). A risk map was generated on 1sqkm extend and based on geoformula, which was adapted for a case study (Dealul Mare archaeological site). In calculation of this geoformula were inserted the following parameters: slope, the occurrence frequency for landslides based on aspect classes, potential water flow erosion depending on land use, potential soil types erosion, surface and liniar erosion, landslides and slope gravitational processes and human impact. The spatial analysis use a digital terrain model (DTM) with a high precision (0.25 sqm/pixel), based on LiDAR technology. Contrary to the traditional scientifical papers, characterized by subjectivity, in this study the detailed identification of risk areas was allowed by a large-scale analysis. The proposed method can be applied to all archaeological sites, in Moldova Plateau, and also can be a tool for commencement of conservation works for archaeological sites which can be at risk of being destroyed.
Keywords: GIS, geoformula, risk map, archaeologic site, Moldavian Plateau;
Acta Geobalcanica, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 35-43, 2016
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18509/AGB.2016.04
Available Online First: 26 July 2016
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