Abstracts and References
A 85-year-period study of extreme precipitation records in Thessaloniki (Greece)
Nikoletta Pakalidou, Petroula Karacosta
Precipitation is one of the most important and interesting variables for a country characterized by Mediterranean climate, such as Greece, as it helps to determine the profile of energy balance into the region. For this purpose, the study of distribution of precipitation records is the objective of this work, with annual, monthly and daily rainfall measurements obtained at the Meteorological Station of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece.
Taking into consideration the climatic change effect upon precipitation regimes, extreme daily rainfall values are statistically analyzed with extreme value statistical methodologies, in order to define the extreme precipitation probability distributions. The region of this study is Thessaloniki, the second biggest city in Greece located at the northern part of it. In order to define the extreme precipitation probability distributions in Thessaloniki for a statistically acceptable time series, the rainfall values refer to the period 1931-2015. The resulted probability distributions could potentially contribute in the prediction of extreme rainfall events, and be used for future climatic change projections. Moreover, based upon the adopted probability distributions, return periods for different precipitation extreme values have been calculated.
Keywords: Statistical analysis, precipitation, extreme probability distribution, Thessaloniki (Greece);
Acta Geobalcanica, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 85-92, 2016
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18509/AGB.2016.09
Available Online First: 26 July 2016
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